Monday, 28 May 2012

We’re Getting Married!

There are so many things to do to get ready for a wedding. It boggles the mind and I’m totally exhausted thinking about it all. My best friend warned me about the overwhelming feeling that comes with the great big list that I and every other bride and groom make once they’ve set the date.

After the ring comes a zillion and one things that have to get done before you can walk down the aisle. But, you know, this is one of, if not THE most, wonderful days of a couples life and we want it to have the makings of perfect memories. My fiancé and I are determined to enjoy this once-in-a-lifetime occasion.

Since we live on one coast and our families on the other, we are going to go home in the next month for an engagement party—you know, a “be introduced officially to friends of each other’s parents’ party. This means wedding engagement announcements which we have to take care of like yesterday. And within weeks after that we will be sending out save-the-date wedding greeting cards. Should we do these separately or together? I’m leaning toward separately. The problem with together has to do with how many guests we can invite to the wedding itself. There are so many complications you don’t think about until you are in the thick of all this planning.

There are many options available and many things to look at and we haven’t even touched the actual wedding itself. I mean OMIgosh! This is so unreal.

Sorry, Modern Greetings, I must be crying on your shoulder. Just tell me if you can make all of this go smooth and easy with all your perfect print products. I need you, MG! I really do. I’ve heard you are the best in the online printing business if not the best print place anywhere. Now you’ll have to show me. Thanks much if you can make my life less crazy.

Saturday, 19 May 2012

The Most Effective Engagement Announcements

Engagement announcements are an elegant way to tell people that you are in love. There are many ways in which you can do this, while being innovative and creative, letting you express all your feelings about being united with your special someone. Most people really enjoy letting others know about their happiness, especially when these "others" are close friends and family members.

There are different ways to express your feelings when it comes to sending engagement announcements. There are great selections of online printers, which provide you with nice looking engagement announcements. If you choose to search in the Internet, you will surely find a thousand of really great engagement announcements to send to all your friends. You may as well design the engagement announcements on your own, or order them at design studios. If you are still wondering and haven't decided the exact outlook of your announcements, don't hesitate to browse for some help.

The online stores are perfect when it comes to giving advice about how Wedding Engagement Announcements should look like. They will tell you how your announcements will look as personalized as possible. They can add color and shape to the way your announcement looks, thus making it more interesting. You may have as many decorations as you choose to make the announcement look nicer. You may pick up amongst a great number of different pictures, decorations, inscriptions and so on. You may go to one of the lovely sites that cover everything about engagement announcements.

It is always nice to include the children from your previous marriage or your fiance's marriage into the picture. Make a nice and large family photo so that kids feel part of the whole preparation. You will surely become their adored stepmother (father), if you thoughtfully include them in the whole engagement. The pre-wedding preparation is very important for the kids, because they don't want to feel excluded from the happiest day of their parent. So, you should be well aware and make them a part of it all.

The Internet is a real treasure when it comes to searching for new and vibrant ideas. You can find as much as you want about engagement announcements, and learn everything about their preparation. Just use your own creative imagination and add a personal touch to your announcements. Then you are ready to send them to the people you love, and tell everyone about your happiness.

Know more: Wedding Engagement Announcements

Monday, 14 May 2012

Choosing Your Wedding Announcements

Announcing your wedding is an exciting and busy component of wedding planning. Besides the usual invites and personal wedding announcements you make to very close friends and love ones, there is some traditional and standard etiquette often used when both inviting and thanking guests for celebrating and attending your cherished event:

Announcement Cards

These cards are used to announce your engagement to friends and relatives. They can also be used as invitations to a bridal shower or engagement party.

Wedding Invitations

Wedding invitations are available in many different varieties and are the classic wedding announcements. You can have them professionally printed, or print them yourself. These options give you plenty of room to express yourself and your sentiments. Whichever option you choose, it's always recommended that you purchase invitations and envelopes to match at the same time. This is just a precaution to ensure there will be no variations in the size of your envelopes. Inside of the mailing envelope, your invitation should rest in an inner-envelope, as this is proper invitation etiquette. The inner-envelope should only bear the name of the invitee.

Reception Cards

These cards are to be sent to guests of your wedding reception, who many not have been invited to the ceremony. This is increasingly popular among re-married couples who only wish to have their relatives present at the reception without sending formal wedding announcements to out-of-touch friends. Reception announements are also embraced by many couples who wish to celebrate a milestone anniversary.
RSVP Cards

These cards should coordinate with your wedding invitation. Each card should be placed in the same envelope with pre-paid postage and a return envelope.

Wedding Programs

The most popular wedding programs are printed on standard-sized paper and folded in half to make a booklet. These booklets are handed out to your guests by the ushers who escort them to their seats. Each wedding program will inform family members who the members of the wedding party are.

Thank You Notes

Always send thank-you notes to the guests who attended your wedding 4-6 weeks after your wedding date. These cards really should be personalized, preferably hand-written. It tells your guests that their presence was especially important to you. All guests who received any form of wedding announements from the host of the wedding should be sent a thank you note.

Guest Book

At your wedding ceremony, your guests are asked to express a special sentiment in your guest book. Typically, the bride and groom choose young women to sit with the guest book and encourage your guests to sign it. Some family members may choose to wish an expression of good wishes, others will write a favorite quote or love poem. These expressions, once compiled on the pages of your guest book, will make a wonderful keepsake that you can treasure forever. Although not wedding announcements, these entries signify and capture memories to relish for years to come.

Know more: wedding announcements

Monday, 7 May 2012

Brand New and Unique Wedding Announcements

Wedding announcements that you give to friends and relatives are a great way to help them remember the date for your special day. The downside to giving a traditional paper wedding announcement to someone is it will probably get put in drawer or lost in the pile of junk mail on the counter. It may be stuck to a bulletin board with a tack or stuck to a refrigerator with a magnet, and within a few weeks it will most likely be lost or torn beyond recognition.

What Can You Do?

You don't want the announcement to be lost or damaged; yet you want them to see it on a regular basis. What are your options? Not many.

The Best Option.

Have your wedding announcement put on high quality magnetic material. A photo magnet makes an ideal way to provide and inexpensive, yet durable announcement of your wedding day. Today's technology allows manufacturers to print photos that rival your original picture, so the quality of the image is not a problem. A professional printing facility will use what is called "4 color process" printing in conjunction with state-of-the-art digital printers. The end result is fantastic.

Why Put A Wedding Announcement On A Magnet?

A magnetic wedding announcements will adhere to almost any metal surface like your refrigerator, computer case at home or the office, toolbox, locker at school or work, metal cupboards and cabinets, and dozens of other spots. Everyone in the home or workplace will see your picture. They are durable and flexible, easily moved about, and last for years and years. It will be a constant, daily reminder of the upcoming event.

Getting Started.

Finding a source for photo magnets is easy, but finding a reliable and competent on-line supplier is another story. First, make sure that the company with which you are dealing uses the 4 color process and industrial quality equipment, otherwise you may be dealing with someone working with an ink-jet printer in a room in their basement. Also, it is ideal if you can find an on-line supplier who lets you design your wedding announcement photo magnet. It's your should be able to design it the way you want. They should let you add text to the picture, and give you different fonts and colors from which to choose.
Once you discover the right supplier, begin uploading your photos...edit the text...make an order...and soon you will be handing out beautiful magnetic wedding announcements.

Know more: wedding announcements

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Tips When Making Your Fathers Day Greeting Cards

Sometimes choosing the right Fathers Day greeting card is harder than choosing the perfect gift. Will your dad find the card funny or just plain silly? Or, will he be embarrassed by something too mushy? Instead of buying an expensive card that you don't really like, why not design your own card? Even if you aren't an artist, you can still create a beautiful card that will perfectly compliment the gift you give to your special dad. In this article, we'll show you a variety of ways to make Fathers Day cards that show how much you appreciate him.
You don't have to be a mathematician or graphic artist to design a beautiful Fathers Day card. What's important is conveying a personal message to your dad about how much you love and appreciate him. To start, search the internet for web sites like Kaboose that offer templates for Fathers Day greeting cards. You can personalize cards with your own pictures, art, and messages.

These pre-designed cards really make the process simple. If you have an artistic flair, then you can use the templates as a guide but add your own headers, backgrounds, picture frames or fonts. When choosing a card style, select one that matches your fathers day cards. For example, if you purchased tickets to a sporting event, then choose a card shaped like an athlete or a card with your dad's favorite team's logo on the front.
Fathers Day crafts are a fun activity for the kids and dad will love what their imaginations comes up with. There are a number of ways that kids can make cards. Older children who can safely handle scissors can cut out colored pictures of objects or activities that dad enjoys, like gardening, boating or fishing from old greeting cards, magazines and newspapers.

Glue the pictures onto a piece of cardboard or construction paper and use a marker or felt tipped pen to write a message. For a final touch, carefully squeeze a strip of glue along the edges of the card and add glitter, beads, macaroni or even buttons for a fancy border. For younger children, use stickers or stamps instead of cutting out pictures.

There are a number of paper choices for your dad's card but any heavy paper like construction paper or Bristol board will do. You can purchase pre-folded paper or simply buy some card stock and fold it yourself. Use a ruler to get a nice, sharp fold. If you want to make an envelope, then just make sure that the card will fit inside. You can decorate the envelope with the same materials that you used on the card or use some metallic ribbon to attach the envelope to the gifts for father.

Keeping your dad's favorite things in mind is the key to designing a great Fathers Day greeting card. It can be related to sports, music, nature, cars or anything that he loves doing. Of course, you can never go wrong with family pictures. Try a few different designs and messages until you get the look and feel you want. Your dad will appreciate the time and effort you put into making a card that is as unique as he is.

Know more about fathers day cards

Monday, 23 April 2012

Birthday Cards - Are You Sending Them?

It was first considered that the early Chinese were the first to send greeting cards. There was evidence the Egyptians also included them into their scrolls.

By the 1400s the Germans started to send cards but the big movement happened in the 1850's when stamps first allowed cards to be sent quickly and efficiently.

Since then the growth of cards has been staggering to now top over 7.5 billion in the US alone. Sending of birthday cards has been a major segment of this growth. Why?

A birthday is considered by most people as their most important day of the year. It's the day to celebrate their being born. We also celebrate religious birthdays as well. The birth of Christ, Budda's birthday and so on.

It's good practice to send birthday cards to family, colleagues and business associates. Provided it's done in a heart felt way, recognising a person's birthday shows you care about them and want to celebrate their special day. It's therefore essential you get into the habit of collecting birth dates from people and storing them into a database so you can easily be reminded of an impending birthday. Everytime you meet a new business associate make sure you get their birthday as well. If you are wanting to develop a long term business relationship with this contact, sending a birthday card will place your name in front of them one more time.

There are many types of birthday cards you can send including online birthday cards, free email birthday cards, printable birthday greeting cards, Hallmark cards or American birthday cards. Whatever you choose, make sure it reflects who you are. Email type birthday cards are quick and can be very animated and flashy but they may also send a message that you are in a rush and didn't spend a lot of time choosing a personal card.

Printable cards from specialised card sites allow you to choose from lots of templates but you need to check the quality before you post to your best friend or new client. A poor quality card can sour your relationship quickly. Hallmark Cards and American Greeting Cards are the world's largest and provide a good selection. But there again perhaps you are wanting to make an impact with a personalised card?

Depending on who you are sending your birthday card to you need to personalise your message. Naturally you'll need to mention the occasion ie "Happy Birthday" and perhaps add a memorable moment you shared with the recipient. Knowing what you and the recipient have in common will make writing a card easier. You can refer to interests or even business dealings if you think it's appropriate. But remember to make it heartfelt. If the card smells of a business promotion, you'll soon have your recipient running for cover.

One of the best ways to send cards is to have a birthday list; whether you do this in a special book or online. Today there's plenty of services that can highlight forthcoming birthdays so you won't forget to send a card.
There are even online programmes that will allow you to set up a birthday list, create a campaign and have personalised cards automatically sent to friends and customers. You'll never forget a birthday again!
Whatever you do, make sure you send somebody a birthday card soon. It's their most important day and they'll be tickled pink you remembered them.

Know more: Birthday cards

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Host an Engagement Party to Share the Great News

If you have recently become engaged and have a wedding in your not so distant future, you are no doubt both thrilled and a bit nervous. Deciding that you want to share your life with the person you love is one of the most important decisions of your entire life. You are filled with hopes and dreams of having a long and happy partnership together and have a whole lot of planning to do as well.

If you would like to share your news with friends and family, an engagement party is the perfect idea. Engagement parties provide the ultimate platform for both you and your partner's families to get acquainted with one another. In order to get the word about about the party, you need to find some engagement invitations to mail out. Instead of wasting both your time and gas driving to the nearest shopping complex, you should consider using the internet to shop for your invitations.

Not only are there thousands of invitations to choose from online, you will also find the best prices at websites that specialize in selling only Engagement Invitations. You can have them customized with personal photos and can choose from dozens of decorative envelopes. As a matter of fact, considering the wide selection of cards and invitations online, there is no reason to ever shop at a local card store again.

While you are browsing the online selection of engagement invites, be sure to look at couples shower invitations as well because there is little doubt that you and your family will want to host a shower. Showers are very informal and fun ways for women to celebrate the upcoming wedding by playing games and giving gifts to the bride-to-be.
Online invitation retailers have invitations that cover every aspect of your union, including rehearsal dinner invitations that will need to be sent out to the wedding party participants. You will have so much to plan for over the coming months so it would be wise to purchase invitations for every pre-wedding event you plan to host. By purchasing numerous invitations in one large order, you are often offered discounts and greatly reduced shipping prices.

A wedding is an expensive affair that often requires a budget being set and adhered to. One of the areas that you can save yourself a considerable amount of money is with the invitations. It is senseless to buy invitations from high-end department stores or exclusive card boutiques when you can find a wider selection online at greatly reduced prices.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Make Your Engagement Announcements Different

Congratulations on your engagement! Now you want to know how you are going to send out those engagement announcements? Well, we'll give you a great idea just now because we know that engagements and announcements, no matter how exciting and thrilling they may be, are actually quite a difficult subject. You want something different - something that expressed the love, excitement and joy you are feeling right now without doing what's always been done before. So here are some unique ideas we know you will enjoy (and your friends will love!)

Make Your Engagement Announcements Different

So you want something different, something unique to say, "Hey, I'm engaged! I've found the man of my dreams!" but those colored envelopes sent snail mail are so slow, old, out-dated and you don't even know whether they are going to get there anyway. So, forget it! Instead put your engagement announcements online.

Using Web 2.0 technology today it is now so easy (and free!) to put up your own personalized web page that says exactly what you want it to say and it's so different people will remember it forever afterwards. Just a warning, people will love it so much you may just start a trend.

 Create Free Party Invitations and Engagements Announcements Online
Go and sign up for a free account at Events Listed Engagements and Announcements page and you are ready to start creating your own unique party invitations and engagement announcements online. These web pages can reflect you and your spouse-to-be like nothing else can. It can include your photos, videos of the two of you together, and even play "your song" in the background to add to that romantic mood.

It also makes the planning of the engagement party so much easier because all you need to do is add details of the party and then people can RSVP online, see who else is coming, start talking to other party guests and send you special messages to help you remember this special time in your life.

Your engagement should be a time you remember forever, so after signing up for a free Engagements and Announcements web page, keep adding to it and even after the wedding you will have a permanent reminder of one of the most exciting and precious times in your life. Then go and get lost in your fiance's eyes and dream of all the exciting days to come.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Wedding Invitations - Tips for Picking Your Style

Picking out the wedding invitations will be one of the most exciting things that you do for your wedding. You will want them to look great as they proclaim your big day to friends and family all over the world. When you pick your wedding invitations you want them to have a sense of style that is unique to you and that reflects your personality and the theme of your wedding as well. The following are some tips to help you pick the style of wedding invitations that best suits you and your wedding.

One of the first things that you should do when you are considering wedding invitations and making your final choice is to think about whether you are having a formal wedding or a more informal wedding. If you are having a formal black tie wedding, it will never do to send out informal invitations. On the other hand, if you are having an informal wedding, formal invitations may look overdone for what you are planning. Picking a formal style and formal paper for your wedding invitations carries over the thought that you are having a formal wedding. Lighter styles and papers will give your guests the informal feel that you are trying to have at your wedding.

Considering your personal style and the style of your wedding is also important when you are choosing wedding invitations. If you have certain colors in mind for your wedding you may want to use those colors on your wedding invitations. Perhaps you are having a wedding in which green and purple are your colors. Carrying the green and purple over to your invitations is a great way to give your guests a tiny peek at what your wedding may be like. While you do not have to match your invitations to your wedding colors, this does look classy. Otherwise you may just want to pick Wedding Invitations in a favorite color or that has the look of your gown or some other aspect of the wedding.

You should also keep your wedding theme in mind when you are choosing your wedding invitations. Whether you are having a beach wedding, a country wedding, a garden wedding, or a big church wedding, you should keep the theme in mind. Try to coordinate the theme and style of your wedding invitations to the theme that you are having of your wedding. You can choose from various paper types and designs that are available and no doubt you will be able to find invitations that go with your chosen theme.

Wedding invitations are important because they are announcing the day of your marriage. You want the invitations to look great and announce your wedding with style. Keeping in mind the formality of the wedding, the colors and style, and the theme of your wedding can all help you pick the perfect wedding invitations. Well designed invitations will impress your guests and be a great way to invite them to one of the biggest events in your life.

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Fun Ideas For Announcing Your Wedding Engagement

This article provides some excellent tips on how to announce your engagement that you and your future spouse can consider. I hope you enjoy the read and get inspired for your upcoming wedding.
Mail Announcements

The traditional way to announce that you have just been engaged is to mail letters or cards to family and friends. You can buy ready-made engagement cards on stationery stores. But the better way of course is to make a personalized letter or card so that the recipient can feel how important he or she is to the couple.
To save you money, and effort, use this also as a save-the-date card. Now, if you are techie and you do not want to consume too much paper, electronic mailed announcements can be the ideal option for you. Just bear in mind that you should only send out mail announcements to people you intend to invite on your wedding day.
Publish in Local Newspaper

Another customary way of announcing an engagement is by having a published announcement in the local newspaper. First, you have to call up the newspaper staff to inquire about guidelines, fees, deadlines or rules about announcements. Ask if you can send in photographs, graphic designs, and your own words. Typically, a newspaper Engagement Announcements includes information about the two of you such as educational background, professional credentials, and parents' names. Wedding date is not usually included to avoid gatecrashers or home burglaries.

Throw a Party
For those who love to party, the most fun way to announce the news is to throw a wonderful bash consisting of family and friends. To add to the fun factor, do not tell anyone that you and your future spouse are engaged so that it would be a surprise. Instead, let them think that it is just a regular gathering. Do not forget that you should only invite to the party those whom you are going to invite at the wedding so that you do not offend anybody.

Make a Wedding Website

The Internet is a great venue for announcing your engagement. It is accessible, easy-to-do, and simple! You do not have to be a techno-savvy to pull this one off. Many wedding websites offer guides and templates on how to create personal wedding websites as well as user-friendly website building tools that you can use to inform family and friends about the upcoming wedding and keep them updated with the latest details.

Give Away Announcement Gifts
This is not a common practice but if you want to make your engagement extra special, you can consider sending little gifts that would come with the engagement announcement. For example, you can give away small potted plants with a tag line that says, "You have seen how our love has bloomed so we want to share with you the news that we are getting married soon!" You can also send a set of decorative ribbons that recipients can use for wrapping gifts. To give it a fun creative twist, tie one of the ribbons into a knot and scribble on that ribbon something like, "We are tying the knot!"

There are various traditional and creative ways you can use to let people know that you are getting married. At the end of the day, it depends on your and your partner's choice on how you are going to announce your engagement. Whatever way you choose to do it, you can expect surprised and happy reactions from people closest to you.

The company stocks an extensive range of personalized Wedding Engagement Announcements with diverse topics to appeal to all tastes. Order online and choose from classic and religious cards, holiday photo books to Christmas party invitations and modern Christmas card themes.

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Choose Classic Wedding Invitations For A Wedding

Invitations For A WeddingThere are many types of wedding invitations to choose from when planning a wedding. Before making your decision, consider the type of wedding that you are having. This can dictate whether a classic style invitation is right for you or if you should use another style. There are several situations where classic wedding invitations are used. The most common is for a wedding that is taking place in a church or another type of formal ceremony.
Classic wedding invitations look like they are quite old fashioned. Most of the time, they come on one sheet of paper, without any folds. They are often in an envelope with a sheet of tissue paper, and usually have one or two colors. The background is usually white or off white, and the color of the printing is a dark color.

There is usually a boarder, and the wedding invitation has important information about the wedding on the inside. This information consists of who is getting married and the time and place where the ceremony is being held. Classic wedding invitations are usually all the same general size, and they have a very formal and traditional tone to them. However, the colors and borders can be customized. It is also possible to customize the text on the invitation to make it your own.

When to Go Classic

There are several situations where a classic wedding invitation is the best choice. If you are very religious, and the biggest factor in your wedding is going to be the traditional, religious aspect of it, you may enjoy having the classic wedding invitation more than you would enjoy having a different, more contemporary wedding invitation. If you are inviting many people who have very traditional values, and you want to make the traditional values into what is most important in your wedding, you may also prefer to choose the traditional and classic wedding invitation.

You want to make sure that your wedding follows this traditional theme after your choice of invitations. This is important because it can help you make sure that you are on track for a formal celebration right from the start. Often the more classic and traditional Wedding Invitations are the best way to show right from the start that you are planning a traditional and formal wedding. If you are not planning a traditional wedding, it is still possible to use this formal invitation. Although it may not match the exact theme of your wedding, the invitations are very simplistic and you are sure to find one that works well.

When to Choose another Option

Even though there are plenty of reasons that you might want to choose classic wedding invitations, there are also some times where that style is not the best choice. If your wedding is very informal, a classic wedding invitation just is not going to match the theme or setting of your wedding.

Many times, traditional afternoon weddings, followed by evening dinners and receptions do well with the classic wedding invitation. However, weddings that are in the morning, with afternoon receptions, or weddings that are in the early evening with late night receptions are ceremonies that might benefit from a different type of wedding invitation. You have to use your best judgment and ask yourself if a traditional wedding invitation is really the best style for your ceremony.

In addition, if you are having a destination wedding, you probably do not want to go with the classic wedding invitation. A destination wedding is a great time to explore different possibilities when it comes to choosing this type of event , so you want to be sure that you are leaving your options open for the type of wedding invitation that you want to send out. A destination wedding in another location such as the beach, or a different country, may call for a more creative wedding invitation rather than a classic wedding invitation. In this case, you may want something that is the color of the ocean or a landmark of the country where the wedding is taking place. These are just a few informal ceremony ideas where a traditional themed wedding invitation would not work as well.

No matter what, you are going to have a decision to make. You want to take into consideration the overall theme or idea behind your wedding. You also want to think about the time of day, the type of wedding you are having, and the level of formality that your wedding is going to have. All of these factors are very important because they help you to show how important your special day is, and they help you to choose the wedding invitation that is going to mean the most to you. Your wedding invitation should be something that you really love and enjoy.

Monday, 27 February 2012

Plan A Unique Wedding Announcement

If your wedding was a small and intimate affair, you may want to let friends and relatives near and far know the good news. The best way to do this is to send out wedding announcements. Usually a wedding announcement is used when a couple elopes to let others know about the happy event and to give them a chance to buy the newlyweds a gift. This may be the most fun you have had in the whole wedding planning process as you are no longer under pressure, so get creative and think about how you can design the ideal wedding announcement card.

Do It Yourself

A fairly easy project is to design and create your own wedding announcement cards. You can find the perfect card by shopping in a local card or craft shop or do your browsing online. You will find many options to create a wedding announcement card that will reflect the unique personality of the new Mr. & Mrs.
You can use calligraphy or with all the graphics you are able to create using your computer and printer, you can find a vast array of ideas to decide upon how you want the lettering to look. You can also use the internet as a guide to decide the wording you might use inside your wedding announcement.

Who Should Get a Wedding Announcement?

Who you want to know that you are married is strictly a personal affair. The usual people you send a wedding announcement to are those who weren't able or weren't invited to the wedding. It is always nice to include a picture of the two of you on your wedding day, beaming happily into the camera. Friends you have lost touch with, and relatives who live far are perfect candidates to receive Invitations For A Wedding.

A wedding announcement is a great way to let people know not only that you have been married, but the new address where you are now living and your new name as well. It can be enjoyable to design and create wedding announcements. You can design the announcement card to match the theme of your wedding. If it was a destination wedding, you will find a number of choices as to cards, or a wedding at the beach, or an impulse in Las Vegas. No matter what your wedding day circumstances, you are sure to find all the materials necessary to design just the right Wedding Announcements to spread the news.

If you need some wedding favors such as Las Vegas wedding favors, wine stopper favors, winter favors and more we got you covered.

We also have some nice beach favors that will be perfect for your destination wedding.
Also take a look at our wedding gifts that are perfect for your whole wedding party.

Friday, 17 February 2012

Engagement Invitations To Start Your New Life

On that day where he got down on one knee and sprang the question on you, you just said “yes” beyond a doubt in your head and now, you both are engaged with the hope of being married shortly after. The next step is announcing to all those you love that you’ve indeed taken that very first baby step towards your happily ever after and want to share that joy collectively with loved ones by holding your engagement party.

Engagement invitations are quite or even completely different from wedding invitations as it will blend into numerous themes and is not as ceremonial as a wedding. An engagement gathering might be more hip and cool compared to the strictness of a wedding, therefore the engagement invitations itself holds a more light-hearted feel to it.

The engagement invitations can be of many different patterns, which is often either traditional or modern, and sometimes even with a little added wit. If you wish to have a sophisticated turn to your engagement invitations, you will be able to opt to get wonderful designs that include filigree and even floral to mix and mingle with phrasing and verses that could melt a reader’s heart. Create some metallic print on those very designs to include that extra touch and possibly opt to go with velvet or even with glitter dust to help make this union more pleasant. These creations for engagement invitations cannot ever go awry as they are tried, tested, and loved by all.

A few of the best represents engagement invitations which include the likes of humorous ones which take into account the prospect of wedding bliss and give a twist of wit with it, making it more enjoyable to readers. Another trending option are definitely the hand-drawn cards which either hold large text that tells a tale of the engagement by incorporating drawings in cartoon form to compliment it. They are not only a trendy method of doing Engagement Party Invitations and holding in keeping with creativity but they provide a sense of a story told in the background.

Quite a few styles for engagement cards can add to its simplicity with the likes of textured paper with embossed or engraved motifs, few decorations including lace or ribbons, and pastel shades to compliment the eyes with the fiancĂ©. Otherwise, they can be modern and hip, with a touch of chic inside as you choose the kind of cartoons or sketched Engagement Invitations with wordings including “she said yes” or even with silhouettes belonging to the lovers with an engagement ring placed in the setting. With concepts genuinely, your choices are numerous. Find your perfect engagement invitations to suit your individuality and styles as well as ensure that whenever you announce to everyone that when you got engaged you did it with exuberance

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Wedding Engagement Announcements - Party Invitation

Getting married is an exciting day in your life. The only one that comes close is the day you get engaged. Celebrating that major milestone is definitely a good idea and is a good reason for sending out custom engagement party invitations. When you’re sending out engagement party cards or just creating engagement announcements, there are a few things you need to remember.

Announcing the Engagement

Although you’ll be excited to share the news with the whole world, you’ll probably want to send engagement party invitations a while before putting an official announcement in the newspaper. Even before you plan the celebration, however, you should first tell your parents. A good way to do this is taking each set out to dinner individually and sharing the wonderful news over a glass of champagne. Then they can help you plan everything for the engagement party invite.

You may also want to tell a few close friends, such as the person who introduced the two of you or your best friend. If you spread the news around too much, you might take away some of the impact from your personalized engagement party invitations, unless you don’t want the news to be a surprise to everyone attending.

That’s a decision you’ll want to make before sending out Wedding Engagement Announcements party cards. If you plan on announcing the news at the party, you don’t want to choose cards that suggest you are celebrating this important part of your life. Instead, choose more general party invitations. However, if you don’t mind if they know and would prefer to only announce the details, such as the date of the wedding, at the party, then you have more freedom when picking out invites for engagement party.

Wording Engagement Party Invitation

Another issue is how to word these party engagement invitations. Generally, you have a lot of flexibility as long as you include the basic party details. However, if you’re not surprising guests with the news and you’re having a more formal celebration, you might want to word your engagement invitation cards in much the same way you’ll word your printed engagement announcement.

If you’re going for a more casual feeling, then your invitations engagement might say something like “You’re invited to hear John and Jane’s Big News!” Or you could choose engagement party invitations that include photos of the two of you, possibly the same photograph you’ll be sending with your Engagement Announcements your local newspaper.

The Guest List for Engagement Party Etiquette

If you’re wondering who to invite to your celebration, remember not to include any of your ex-partners unless you are still friendly with them. It’s a good idea to invite all of your parents and grandparents, as well as your siblings. Make sure to invite your friends and anyone who knows the two of you fairly well. Don’t send printed engagement party invitations to anyone who might be less than thrilled by your news. You don’t want them to ruin your day.

Friday, 10 February 2012

Letterhead Printing Methods

Some people dismiss letterhead printing as though it were merely a nuisance, an added cost to business operations, or a frilly accessory that with little or no use at all.

Letterhead printing is not as trivial as how some might assumed it might be. Although business operations can and will run without letterhead printing, it functions to accentuate the established business more formally among its networks of contacts, affiliations and clients.

Letterhead printing functions beyond the superfluous idea that it is just piece of paper, a stationary. Letterheads operate within the customs and traditions that operate within the business community.
Letterhead compliments communication efforts and transactions. It enforces and smoothens transactions into a familiar custom the business community acknowledges. Letterheads may be just a piece of paper, but it is indeed more than that.

Letterheads retain and observe the familiar ways business communication is conducted. It registers the letter as a formal and business related message, which can be considered an official statement.
In a collected view, letterheads convey that impression and meaning. It assumes an air of integrity, authority and credibility with which businesses rely upon in building affiliations and undertaking transactions.

Many printing companies offer Letterhead printing as one of its business printing services. They produce letterheads through offset printing which yields volumes of letterheads in a high-speed manner. Added to this, it guarantees consistent, sharp prints that shape the distinct details of letterheads, down to the fine print.
Letterhead is a useful and a positive addition to your company profile. You can use to formally address other business partners, use it in presentations, and the like to further establish the company's identity.
In so doing, be sure to include these five most important elements in your letterhead printing and create a more impressive and distinct profile.

1. Logos are very important in letterheads. The values, core competencies and the company philosophy can easily be attached to the logo. Logos, for that matter, are easily recognized by your clients and business partners. Thereby, with just one logo, people can come to familiarize themselves with your company or your products. They can develop their own perceptions - esteem, knowledge and relevance of the company and your products which they will automatically think of every time they see the logo. And so, it is wise to invest in a distinct and highly unique logo. Build upon a logo that people will easily respond to like other famous brands.

2. Contact Details are very important. Envelopes are correspondences which operates two ways. It is therefore important that aside from the company name, all the details including phone numbers, fax numbers and email address are clearly printed. This enables your clients to respond and you to gather relevant information useful for your company's growth and development.
Getting and studying such responses is tantamount to your company's progress. It will enable you to study your market more and address their needs and wants.

3. There are different sizes with which you can have your letterhead printed. The most useful one and one of the most popular is the 8.5 x 11 for it is the standard size can be easily sent through the mail or through fax.
You can easily match it up with an elegant envelope that will enhance your business letters.

4. Four color printing gives your business letter more character. Your logos will be more identifiable and set it apart from other business letters. Making letterheads more recognizable will prove to be more visible and entice more readerships.

5. Acquire the services of a professional printer who can be trusted to give you nothing high-quality printing. Even the minutest details such as the letterhead needs to exude quality. It is necessary to generate a good impression and retain that pedigree character that your clients and even competitors, will look up to you.

Sunday, 5 February 2012

How to Choose Your Wedding Invitations

Planning a wedding is a great deal of fun, but it also requires a significant amount of planning. Once you have set your date, one of the first wedding details you should turn your attention toward is the selection of your wedding invitations. While at one time traditional wedding invitations appeared only as white or ivory with engraved black in, today there are numerous options available for the modern bride. Due to the wide variety of designs and styles in wedding invitations available, you'll want to get started early in choosing the perfect wedding invitation.

There are numerous factors that will affect your choice of wedding invitation. The first question you should ask yourself is whether you are planning to have a formal, semi-formal or casual wedding ceremony because the type of ceremony you plan will impact your choice of invitations.

Regardless of whether you choose formal, semi-formal or casual invitation, generally, wedding invitations include the invitation itself as well as a reception card, response card, separate envelope for the response card, detailed information on accommodations for guests and riving directions and important telephone numbers.

Be aware that while there are literally thousands of styles and designs of invitations available for the choosing, there are only six basic types of invitations. These include:

    Thermo graphed
    Handed colored
    Box set

Engraved invitations are the most classic and traditional choice of invitations available. They are also the most expensive type of invitations on the market; however, if you are planning a very formal wedding, engraved invitations are an absolute must. Keep in mind that you should order your engraved invitations no less than 8 weeks from the date of your wedding, preferably farther in advance.

Thermo graphed invitations provide an affordable alternative to engraved invitations. The end result is a very elegant look and while thermo graphed Invitations For A Wedding might not be appropriate for a very formal wedding, they would work well for a semi-formal wedding. Plan on ordering these invitations at least six weeks in advance.

Printed invitations are one of the most popular choices on the market and are very cost efficient. You can find a wide variety of printed invitations available through most stationary and printer vendors as well as on-line wedding invitations vendors. While the turn around time for printed invitations is typically better than engraved or thermographed options, you should still plan on ordering your printed invitations at least 4-6 weeks in advance. Printed invitations are appropriate for semi-formal and casual weddings.

One option in printed invitations that is definitely gaining favor is the alternative of purchasing 'blank' invitations from printed stationary retailers and then printing your own information. This gives you the option of choosing the design you want and saving a few dollars by handling the printing on your own.

Calligraphed invitations are very elegant and work well for weddings with an old fashioned theme. They can be very expensive; however, due to the amount of time and effort involved in producing them. When deciding on whether to choose calligraphy invitations remember that you need to allow extra time for preparation, plan on additional cost and keep in mind that this type of invitation may smudge if it comes in contact with even a slight amount of moisture. Calligraphy invitations are appropriate for all types of weddings except very formal events.

Hand made invitations are gaining in popularity not only because they are cost efficient but because they add a nice personal touch to a very special occasion. There are numerous options for creating hand made invitations and basically the sky is the limit with choices. Just remember to plan on making additional invitations in case of mistakes and allow plenty of time, especially during this hectic time of your life. Handmade invitations are appropriate for most weddings except very formal events. Handmade invitations can also be easily generated with desktop publishing programs and attractive stationary.

Box set invitations are available at most stationary retailers and can provide an quick and easy alternative to other types of invitations. This type of invitation can also be easily dressed up for a unique and personal touch.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Come Across the Hurdles of Brochure Printing

Problem with brochures printing? Is your mind in a twist with all the hurdles you are facing when you print brochures? Well, while brochure printing can be a hard task for most people, you will be delighted to know that hard tasks are not impossible tasks when making brochures.

There are lots of solutions out there. In fact there are a lot of simple and elegant solutions that can overcome the usual hurdles in brochures printing. In this article, we are pleased to share with you some of these solutions in brochure printing. With luck, hopefully they will help you as they have helped us in overcoming our problems in printing brochures.

Overcoming a small printing budget

A small brochure printing budget is the biggest hurdle that most people face when printing their own custom brochures. Not all firms have the extra resources to produce the best and most luxurious brochures in the planet. For most of us, we need to make do and choose cheap options for our brochure prints.

Do not worry to much however, since there is a simple solution to printing in a small budget. You can always compensate for small printing budget in two ways. One, you can just print more low quality brochures. If you can't beat them in quality, try to beat them in quantity. You can print a lot of cheaper brochures to reach the widest possible audience. Second, you can also focus on one very big and central detail in your brochure. This can be the main image, or the text content itself. You can try spending all your extra money on that special detail and leave the rest in low quality. Once you release your brochure, you should still be able to stand proud at the one major detail that should have the best impact on people.

Thinking of the right concept design

Another common hurdle in brochure printing is the concept design. People can be left blank when trying to think of something new and original for their brochures. The easiest way to overcome this is to just look at what has been done in the past. By having a good understanding of pas designs and concepts, you should be able to think of things that has not been done yet, or has not been improved upon yet considering today's tools. Either way, as long as you are determined, you will still have the ability to think of the right and original concept design for your brochure. The human imagination is limitless after all; you just need to sort out the kinks in it.

Maximizing your brochure quality

Quality brochure printing can also become a big problem. Brochure printers can sometimes give you lackluster quality and it is only in the end that you will feel regret once you spent all that money. To prevent this from happening, you should always be aware of your Postcards printing options. Do not let the printers specify this for you. Decide on the paper material, the color inks and the chemical coatings always to maximize your brochure's quality. As long as you guide the printers and tell them what you want, they should be able to produce the ideal brochure with the best quality you can afford.

Deploying brochures effectively

Now, when it comes to problems with brochure distribution, your mantra should be "anything and everything". Use all possible avenues of brochure distribution as possible. Mail them through the postal service, give them away by hand, include them in magazines etc. By doing everything you can, you should reach the most people in the best possible ways.

So those are the solutions to overcoming common brochure production problems. Most of these solutions are pretty simple and you should not have too much difficulty in doing them for your own brochure printing.

Monday, 30 January 2012

Easter Greeting Card - Select The Best

This is the time when Christians remember the incidence of Jesus Christ's crucifixion and resurrection. It is absolutely difficult to express in words the importance of this time and the feeling. People exhibit their affection for each other by sending gifts and cards for Easter. For many years, people have been following the practice of sending cards, and now, more number of people is making use of cards in order to express love and affection to their loved ones. The type of cards varies in abundance. Different shapes, size, style, color and many other variations can be seen in cards of today. There are special customized ones that are created for almost every occasion.

If you decide to create them on your own via a utility then you need to keep in mind a few factors that are important to create something amazing. There are paper cards that people use and some even send e-cards via the Net. These can be musical with multimedia content that makes them more lively and interactive. There could be two options from which you could make your choice. One is that you could download a card maker that comes bundled with features. This helps you create cards of your choice and with your own ideas.
And then there are sites where you could create them online with various features. You could as well utilize the embedded templates that come in these utilities.

They are pre-created by experts, which means you could be at ease when using them. If you wish to use your ideas then you could take inspiration from these templates and amalgamate them in your own way. There are even galleries from where you could take up ideas to create your creations based on category and age group of people. So for older people you can create a different Easter Greeting Card and for kids, it could be of another style.

On the occasion of Easter you could create cards with the themes that signify the time. For instance, if you need to send the cards to someone of your age or elder then you could use images of Christ resurrecting. If it needs to be given to kids then you could utilize the symbols such as bells, candies, eggs, etc. These symbols hold their own importance. So you could make your own choice and either create cards for Easter on your own or get them created.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Cheap Business Cards Printing

Because business cards are an integral part of literally every aspect of your business, you need the WOW factor to provide a first and everlasting impression. A high tech full service online printer can provide you with cheap business card printing in full color while guiding you along the way from design and layout to business cards that will WOW your clients and provide you with instant recognition.

Finding a local printer that can help you with designing a business card that is 'just right' for your company can be a real chore. Most of the time they have salespeople working behind the counter who are paid to simply take disks with your files on them, ask how many you want printed and tell you that your order will be ready tomorrow by noon. That's not what you want to hear!

The average company, unless of course it's a graphic design house, needs direction and tips for creating a business card with instant appeal. That's called the "WOW Factor" and the right printing service can guide you through the process from layout and design right through to business card printing at prices you can afford, with a finished product that does what it is supposed to do - WOW them.

That's the difference between a printing company and a printing service. Most printers who provide business card printing are simply there to do just that - print Business Cards. A full service printer will provide tips and techniques to help you create a finished product that contains all the elements necessary for successful marketing. They are there to guide you every step along the way because, like you, they are in business to provide excellent customer service.

Cheap business card printing doesn't mean that you will have a card that is anything less than perfect. What it means is that you have found a printing service that has online tools and tutorials to help you create your own cards to say what they need to say, to give you instant recognition and to WOW your clients with graphic design they will be happy to hang on to.

When it's time to start thinking about business card printing, the first thing to do is learn the essentials. Familiarize yourself with certain terms such as bleed, UV coating, UV Spot Coating and C2S. A good printing service will have explanations along the way so that you know exactly what you need to do when designing your business cards. You will not need to memorize any industry standard terminology; it's there for you in the steps as you go along with a glossary you can refer to if in doubt. (And of course a customer service rep if you need further clarification!)

In fact, they will have customizable templates you can use to simplify the process for you. Instructions will explain what file formats work best when uploading your images, and even what settings to use in computer graphics software such as Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator when designing your logo or graphics. There is a real difference between creating graphics in high resolution and converting to high resolution. A good printing service will explain that creating in 300 dpi will give you a realistic view of what the printed colors will look like.

From fonts to file formats, a professional printing service will be there with you every step along the way. Their online templates and tutorials will be user friendly, and they will have customer service reps available to answer any and all questions you may have regarding business card printing from choices in card stock to what fonts will work best. That's the difference between your average printing company and a printing service in a nutshell. What you are looking for is cheap business card printing with a professional printing service.

Doug Graves has been working in the printing industry as an expert sales and marketing executive for over 20 years. Presently head of sales and marketing, he is now also using his years of experience as a consultant and freelance writer for Color Printing Pros, a top online printing services leader. They are committed to the best valued QUALITY and SERVICE and CHEAP PRICES while providing unique Wow Factor effects so you will standout and be noticed. Check them out!

Monday, 23 January 2012

Engagement Party Invitations For a Memorable Celebration

Engagement party ideas and parties are exciting to plan. You may have known a couple as an item for a long time but when they announce their engagement they are announcing the formality in their relationship, they are now a couple for the long haul. Most couples that get engaged will have already planned to marry within the year, even though they may not have set the date. An engagement party is a happy occasion and one that deserves at least some attention. It is the first of many parties and celebrations that the couple will be enjoying together.

Typical engagement party ideas include taking the couple out to dinner or having a night on the town in their honor. There are other ways of celebrating depending on how large the group is. If the couple has a large family and many friends they wish to invite you might rent a hall and have an engagement dinner and dance party. The food in this case should best be catered to as the group of people is large. A quiet home party can also be fun and entertaining. Stories about how the couple met and some of the funny stories related to their developing relationship can add to an evening for everyone.

You can also build a party theme around the time of year, or a special place the couple is planning to go for a trip or for the honeymoon. Engagement Party Invitations can include individual gifts for each of the couples or you might devise a gift that will represent them as a couple. Another idea is to present them with memory books and calendars to plan the wedding that is coming in the near future. Brochures for planning weddings and who to call for making arrangements are nice touches. Lists of places that sell and rent wedding supplies and several evenings out at nice restaurants or places of other entertainment are nice ways to help them get away from the planning when it becomes stressful.

This is a time to celebrate each other, to introduce your significant other to family and friends, and to start the process of becoming a family. You can share photos, toasts, and favorite songs, if you like, or it can simply be a night of sharing stories and getting to know one another. The engagement ring is often given ceremonially at this time, though the recipient may have had it for some time already.

If you are hosting the party yourselves, this may be the first chance you have to create something together that symbolizes you as a couple to your family and friends. You can incorporate some of your favorite foods, things that represent the two of you as a couple, and things that you hope to celebrate in years to come. If you know the colors and theme of your wedding already, you can incorporate these colors into a small garden party or create simple favors or centerpieces that go along with your wedding's theme. For garden parties, fairy lights are a nice, simple touch, as are candles and favors. Just make sure to take safety into account when putting those candles and centerpieces together.

Friday, 20 January 2012

Postcards - Printing can be Easy

Contrary to what you may believe when you print postcards, the objective of creating those postcard designs is not just for them to be looked at. There are a lot more, deeper objectives in postcard printing that your designs should try to work on. So do not just base your designs on postcard samples that promise your postcard to be seen. You should try to shape your designs considering the proper objectives in printing postcards. Let me give you four of the most important objectives that should get you started in an effective postcard design.

1. The communication objective - The first and crucial objective of a color postcard is to communicate information. More than just "being seen", a postcard must tell its message effectively to readers and of course it must be thoroughly understood as well in the process. This may sound simple enough, but it is a bit more work than you might imagine.

To achieve the communication objective in postcard printing, you have to write your content in a detailed but short manner. Being a postcard, you will not have enough space to write long winded descriptions in your layout. You will need to write concisely with simple and direct words to communicate well with your custom Postcards. So make sure you have the talent to write a compact but powerful message or try to hire a professional writer to do your short and sweet messages in custom postcards. This is what you need to effectively get your message across and achieve your objective for your postcards.

2. The impression objective - The second deeper objective in postcard design is to basically impress people. Now, this is not just about pulling all the stops when it comes to the design (though a major part of this is just making the best design). To achieve the impression objective in postcard printing in a far more potent way, you will need to display the right design impression for the particular audience you are designing for.

3. The "memorable" objective - The third important objective of printing postcards is the "memorable" objective. Basically the goal here is to be remembered by people long after the postcard design has been seen. This objective is most especially important for promotional postcards that need to sell something. You will need to be really memorable so that people will be able to respond eventually to the postcard message.

4. The influence objective - Finally, you have the "influence" objective in printing postcards. This basically means that your postcard message must have the power to influence people to act. Depending on your postcard's purpose, this can be in the form of getting people to contact you personally, buying your products, going to your place of business, or even just going to your website. This is really how your custom postcards deliver their worth. That is why it is important to develop the influence of your designs.

Poster printing is notably known and used for movie posters. Movie posters along with trailers have earned their niches in the entertainment industry. Not only does it excite and hold people in awe, it effectively draws them in to watch the movie. Posters, with its popularity have even been considered as a popular art vehicle. And so, more than ever, you can use posters as your new art material.

Reach a wider audience with eye-catching posters. 18x24 poster printing is a high-impact yet affordable means to promote your planned event, product or even movie. Contact an online printing company and see how you can transform your ideas into bigger ones with 18x24 poster printing.

Sunday, 15 January 2012

How Can You Make Wedding Announcements

Getting ready for your wedding is a big responsibility and an important part of your life together. The wedding announcement is an important tradition as you prepare for the big day. Sharing your exciting news is an important part of the thrill of getting ready for your big day.

When it’s time to figure out the details of your wedding announcement, there are many things to take into account. The first thing to do is make a list of all of the people who will receive an announcement. This will determine how many announcements you’ll need to buy. Once you have that detail figured out, it’s time to order custom-printed cards. You’ll need to do this at least two weeks before you need to have them sent out to allow time for them to be printed. There are many important details that are to be included in the wedding announcement.

Details like the full names of you and your spouse, your parents’ names, and the date of your marriage are traditionally included in the Wedding Announcements. Depending on your preferences, you may want to include more details like the wedding time and location. These details are usually only listed on the wedding invitation, so it’s unnecessary to include more details in the announcement unless you choose to. The announcement is merely a way to announce your engagement, so it’s not necessary to submit a gift to the bride and groom upon receipt of the announcement.

There are many details that are important when it comes to wedding planning. The wedding announcement is only one of many things that play an important role in preparing for the big day. Announcing to friends and family members that you are joining your lives is a wonderful rite of passage for the bride and groom.

Find more : Engagement Invitations | Engagement Party Invitations

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Greeting Cards Printing-A New Thinking for the Future

We are all aware that competition in the market is really stiff. Businesses are creating strategic schemes on how to attract and gain trust from their target prospects. They make use of different materials that will stand for them. In this manner advertising and printed materials are highly demanded to printing companies.
However, advertising materials may not be enough in gaining clients attention. Indeed there is a need for follow ups and sending greeting cards for special occasions in order to keep your clients reminded of what your business can provide. Greeting card printing comes in when there is a need for a material to be utilized for greeting clients.

The postcards are indeed valuable tools used for advertising, cards and business coupon. They are very ideal to be used because they are portable and can be easily packaged. With the different sizes they are available with these cards are very much ideal for your card printing jobs.

Greeting card printing is primarily taken as an eye opener of the future. This is because businesses and individuals are able to extend their greetings, make their clients feel that they are very much valued and as well as keeping a good communication among clients.

Moreover undergoing card printing services needs the capabilities of a professional printer to handle the printing jobs. Mainly the following are among the tips that you need to consider before undergoing your card printing jobs.
1. Generate idea regards your printing jobs - Think about the things that you want for your material. Visualize an idea in mind about the picture of your Greeting Cards This will help you build an idea in mind on what you will want for your cards.

2. Come up with a layout plan - after having visualized the outcome of your material you need to bring them down on a printed paper. The layout plan that you make must include the colors that you want to use, designs to be applied and text for the content.

3.Choose for the appropriate printing company to handle your printing jobs - In this part only a reliable and expert printing company must take care of your needs. The notion of having chosen the right printing company is that you are assured that what you had visualized will materialize. Choosing a reliable printing company will help you boost up your business standing and make more profits out of your materials.

Basically in doing your card printing jobs, be sure that you are able to include all the significant events and informative details about your business.

Monday, 2 January 2012

A Rockin’ New Year’s Eve in Times Square with Dick Clark

Celebration and camaraderie are the hallmarks of a top tier New Year’s Eve party. Match it up with Dick Clark and Times Square and you are sure to make a spectacular time for every guest on your list and it all begins with a New Year’s Eve party invitation.

This year my husband and I are having a party to beat all the other New Year’s Eve celebrations we’ve ever delivered. We wanted to have our very own “Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve” party since we saw his first special on television back in 1972. Naturally, we can’t do it in New York City’s Times Square, but we can come close to the feel and excitement of a glitter ball dropping right at midnight. The actual Rockin’ Eve televised special with the energy coming out of New York is going to set the tone for the evening and the guests to enjoy.

Capped with music and dancing, they are going to be the highlight of the evening along with plenty of food and beverage and the glass ball in Times Square dropped at midnight to complete a memorable time.

Starting the planning early was essential. Back in September, because we were so excited, we began the process with a list of lists. This occasion was something we had been thinking about having for at least a decade and saving for just as long. Two thousand eleven was our year to do what we had always dreamed about. We began with the Engagement Invitations.

Our idea was in our mind and we worked together to put it on paper—something shouting festive, blue, sparkly, classy and, of course, champagne and bubbles all in the design. I think you get the idea.

Since we had this very specific idea, we went looking for a website that could give us the tools we needed to be original. Searching through at least twenty-plus websites including, all touting the best invitations anywhere, we settled on one for all of the benefits they could give us of templates, graphics, fonts, colors and more. The tools were all there and the stage was set. We found out that we could do everything we creatively had in mind and more for our first ever ‘New Year’s Rockin’ Eve’ invitation.